Ihre radiologische Privatpraxis im
Zentrum Münchens

Tel.: 089 / 552 795 60

Ottostr. 13
80333 München
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Private Radiology Practice
Karl-Wilhelm Westerburg, M.D.
Maria Anna Edmaier, M.D.

Ottostraße 13 • Maximiliansplatz
80333 München

Tel.: 089 / 552 795 6-0
Fax: 089 / 552 795 6-10
E-mail: info@noSpam.prirad.de

Consultation hours:

Mo - Th:8:00 - 17:00
Fr : 8:00 - 13:00

Our practice is located on the ground floor of the former "Kunstblock" on Ottostraße;  it can be easily and conveniently reached by public transportation: S-Bahn (suburban train system): S1-8; U-Bahn: (underground): U4/5, U3/6; Tram: 19, 27.

City map
MVV Munich (municipal transport)