Ihre radiologische Privatpraxis im
Zentrum Münchens

Tel.: 089 / 552 795 60

Ottostr. 13
80333 München
Lageplan Online Termin vereinbaren

Private Radiology Practice Karl-Wilhelm Westerburg, M.D.


Our practice is located on the ground floor of the former "Kunstblock" on Ottostraße; it can be easily and conveniently reached by public transportation: S-Bahn (suburban train system): S1-8; U-Bahn: (underground): U3/6, U4/5; Tram: 19, 27, as well as by car.

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The newly equipped practice has all modalities of the most advanced, fully digitalized imaging diagnostics. In addition to the highest image quality and complete expansion stages for all equipment – such as Volume Zoom CT from Siemens, MR-Espree in open design from Siemens, digital mammography and X-ray equipment and ultrasound – we have ensured a pleasant, patient-friendly environment. By keeping to accounting procedures based on GOÄ (physician fee schedule), we are able to guarantee patient care that is particularly attentive and time-effective. All options offered by the most advanced communication are available for images and findings without restrictions. Transmission can be handled via e-mail, fax, post, CD-ROM or even hard copies, as needed. Extensive and protected digital archiving of all data is ensured.

Ganzkörper-Vorsorge (MRT)

Die MRT (Magnetresonanztomographie) ist ein langjährig bewährtes Verfahren welches ohne Röntgenstrahlen oder radioaktive Stoffe auskommt

mehr Informationen


  • Ganzbeinaufnahme im Stehen wurde in Betrieb genommen.
  • Röntgenaufnahme der gesamten Wirbelsäule.
  • Terminvereinbarung über unsere Website möglich.
  • Jetzt validierte Messung des Eisengehaltes der Leber möglich (FerriScan).